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We transform your production process trough digitalization and industry 4.0.
This transformation has an impact on several aspects such as the production, maintenance, safety, quality, continuous improvement, internal communication…

DataProd is concieved to increase the performance and eliminate the losses:

  • Only one data source that can communicate with other system
  • Whenever possible, the data are collected automatically. When automation is not possible, the people at the source of information will directly enter the data in the system (for example by the operator on the production line with a tablet).
  • An immediate feedback is given during the data entry (for example Statistic Proces Control alerts) or triggered by some events (preventive maintenance based on machine hours, SMS in case of long downtime).
  • The information is presented in such a way that can be analysed easily and quickly take the required actions. The graphs include the possibility to drill down (in order to get more detail in the analysis) or to modify the data.
  • All modifications to the data are tracked and saved in history. The system is backed up automatically.

DataProd makes your data smart.


Our automation connector will collect data from your production lines. Any kind of sensor such as digital or analog sensors, encoders, fast counter can provide information to our connector. These data are used in real time.



Production reports are generated automatically. These include the downtimes, the reasons for the downtimes, the quantities produced of each product, the quality and production ratios. These informations can be completed by the operator. The data can by analysed or shared with multiple reports.



All actions of preditive, preventive, conditionnal or curative maintenance are managed in our database. Action can be automatically generated based on calendar time, machine production hours or based onthe quatities produced. Reports can evaluate the workload. Reminders can be sent to the operators or the maintenance.



The dangerous situations or dangerous acts, the incidents and accidents are recorded in order to create a risk map. Therefore, the safety actions will better focus on the highest risks. The actions can be prioritized depending on their criticity.



The quality control forms specific to each product will give to the operator an immediate feedback via SPC alerts (Statistic Process Control) or in case of non conformity. The system will also analyse the capability of the process.



The measurement and the follow up of indicators is the bae of every continuous improvement system such as WCM (World Class Manufacturing) or Six Sigma. You can only improve what you measure. DataProd will make it easy for you to follow up those indicators and create your dashboard. Furthermore, the system includes some of the WCM tools such as the creation of red and blue tags or one point lessons.



The record of environmental indicents or accidents will give you a map of the risks in order to take the correct preventive actions. The actions can be prioratize depending on their criticity.



Useful information must be available for the right person at the right time. These data can be shared by mail, by sms, in a web browser, on a smartphone, a tablet or on digital displays. The system allows to send message in an internal Le système includes an internal messaging system.


Connect it

DataProd can exchange information with other systems such as your ERP, your production lines, your CRM. Web services are available to make it easy to exchange information with other software.



  • Useless data reentry
  • Paper archives
  • Loss time to search for data
  • Loss of data or information
  • Data left not analyzed


User friendly

Our application is webbased and designed to be intuitive. In a few click, you’ll find the information you need. We’ll propose you some analysis of your data so that you can immediately draw the conclusions and actions.


Easy to install

The system can be installed and start to collect data in less than one hour. It is fully scalable so that you can start with your priorites and extend it gradually to collect more information, cover more areas, cover more departments.



You need a system adapted to your process. Therefore the system is customisable to be adapted to your needs. No need to change some code, just modify the settings.



Your data are important. Security is our priority. We make sure the integrity and confidentiality of your data secure during the processins, storage and communication of the data. We also provide you an history of your data.

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